We had a blizzard some days ago and everything was covered by snow, which made an ideal landscape for a new photo shoot with the Dark Queen mask.
However, shooting in snow is not that easy, the natural light is a bit hard to manage because it bounces everywhere. In addition to that, it’s hard to set a good exposure that captures texture in both the snow and the subject given the high contrast – you end having texture in the snow with a dark subject, or a good exposition in the subject with a white non-textured background.
Luckily, I got enough lighting from the sun to capture some texture in the dark clothes of the subject. I used Adobe Lightroom to fine-tune the exposure in dark and light areas, and add more balance to the photos.
I also took some photos with the Indigenous Deity tiara, but in this photo shoot I decided to turn the concept darker, by covering completely the model with a dark veil and use the ornament on top of it. I was very pleased with the high contrast between the light landscape and the dark figure of the model, as well with the wind that added motion to the photos.
The model, instead of sexy, looked more like a mysterious shadow, a dark lighting goddess.
I decided to enhance the shadows of the trees over the snow to add more texture to the background and make the photos more interesting.